Customized: Because one size does not fit all

Data Collection:
Before, During, After

Each training will be customized to meet the needs of your school community:

~ Via Zoom, Alison and Rehema will meet with relevant school leaders, educators, and student leaders for up to 3 hours prior to each training to learn more about your school culture and the state of friendship in your community.

~ We will send out a pre-session survey (Google Forms) to participants beforehand so that we can tailor and differentiate the respective trainings accordingly.

~ During the workshop, we will track trends in participants’ questions, concerns, and shares.

~ All participants will complete a feedback and evaluation form at the end of each training.

~ After each training, we will reconvene with you to debrief, share the feedback and evaluation data with you, and offer recommendations.

More Stops on the Journey:
Additional Training Options

Interested in continuing the ConnectWellEd Journey after the “Variety is the Spice of Life” Training? Due to popular demand, here are four other trainings we offer. Feel free to mix and match these!

Making the Shift: From Acquaintance to Friend

Communication for Connection: Key Communication Strategies to Make, Build, and Keep Friends

Variety is the Spice of Life Part II: A Deeper Dive into Building Strong Friendships Across Racial and Ethnic Lines

“DM me”: Navigating Friendship in the Social Media Era

If you’re excited to bring friendship skills training to your community but have yet to see exactly what you’re looking for, please reach out to us so that we can explore other customized possibilities.

Professional Development (PD):
Training for Faculty & Staff

The most common request we’ve received is for accompanying PD, so that school faculty and staff members can share in the Journey with the young adults in their care and reinforce students’ learnings using shared language and strategies.

We’ve heard you, and we’re making it happen! As of June 2023, we will be offering professional development workshops that accompany each of the three initial Stops on The ConnectWellEd Journey: “Lean On Me” PD, “It’s All About Trust” PD, and “Variety is the Spice of Life” PD. All of these PD offerings will cover content and skills similar to the young adult versions and explore tips, strategies, and practices for how to support student friendship development at school.

Alison has spent much of her adult life enthusiastically crafting and facilitating professional development workshops for K-12 educators, on topics ranging from literacy to social-emotional learning to communication…and she is thrilled to bring these professional development creation skills to ConnectWellEd!